
Saturday, September 28, 2013

Jackson Lee Dalton

This is my little/big man. I just love him.
I need to write more good things about my babies
instead of all the whining and complaining.

Jackson is almost 5 years old. I can't believe he made me a mommy
that long ago. 

He is seriously an angel. 
He has such a sweet side of him and is so sensitive.
He loves cars. (that's an understatement)
He loves building things and making new designs with his blocks.
He loves learning. 
He loves playing outside.
He makes friends with everyone.
He loves his "babies" and is such a big helper for me.
He wants to help with everything.
He prefers showers. (baths are for babies)
He LOVES music and is actually very good at it.

Jackson is such a good kid. His personality is so big and he has so much to offer.

I am trying really hard to give him some independence. 
I have seen him grow so much since we have loosened the chains a little.
It makes him feel important and so big.

I ask him at least 10 times a day what he wants to be when he grows up
Some of his responses include
-construction worker like daddy
-truck driver
-football player

He is just a special little boy and I am so lucky he made me his mom!

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