I've always been the type to please everyone else and I can't change that. Or I don't know how to change it. I even do it with my husband.
Before I had Jackson I was a partier. For about 10 years I led a life that was unworthy and sinful. I may not regret those years because I have learned so much but I do wish I could forget it. Unfortunately I have the ability to get addicted to things and since drugs and alcohol were part of those years it is hard to forget. I am surrounded by all these reminders of my past and I just want to get away. I know for a fact that my children saved me. If it wasn't for them I would probably still be in the same spot.
Tonight I went to pick up Richard from work and had some time to visit with some old coworkers. Let me tell you I miss it. I'm being completely honest. Richard is going to be hanging out with some people from work this Sunday and I am jealous. I hate that I am jealous!!! I know it is wrong and I know how it makes me feel afterwards but I still miss it. What makes it even worse is there will be people there that I do not care for and Richard will most likely be the only one that is married and it upsets me. Its not the life I want so why do I miss it?