
Tuesday, April 17, 2012


I took the kiddos to the doctor today for a check up. Jackson went in for his 3 year. His vision is 20/25. He weighs 49 lbs and stands 40 inches tall. He named all his shapes and colors for the doctor and actually held a conversation with the nurse so I feel his shyness/stranger danger is slowly going away. I freaked out a little when they weighed him, but the doctor didn't seem too worried. WE will just keep monitoring his food and exercise and maybe he won't stay in the 98th percentile across the board his whole life. :)

Madison weighs 24 lbs and is 31.5 inches tall. She is in the 80th percentile across the board. Apparently my children are going to the be the big ones on the playground. HMMMM..... She did so good letting the nurse check her vitals and the doctor checking her ears and whatnot. Then the shots came. First one, fine, 2nd one, she looked up at me and gave me the saddest look. I felt awful, because there were 2 more coming. She cried and clung to me like someone had just hurt her feelings. She is now sleeping but very restless. She is already my sensitive girl so adding shots just makes it more pitiful.

It is always nerve racking when we go to the doctor. Am I doing the right thing? Am I feeding them properly? Do I give them enough play time? Food? Naps? Are the doctors going to be mean to me? But then after it is over and all is said and done, I am a good mother and they are going to be just fine. I need to remember to relax and not let my nerves get the best of me.

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