
Saturday, October 16, 2010

Just some happenings

The Dalton household is busy. Not always a productive busy but we try. Daddy came home on September 22nd. It sure is a blessing to have him back. He came back just in time to help mommy during the last trimester of her pregnancy. It only took Jackson about an hour to warm up to him and they have a good relationship that is growing more and more everyday.

We left and went on vacation for about 10 days. It was awesome to not have to worry about work for a week and just be lazy. Something I haven't done in a long time. Jackson had fun with his second cousin William. It was fun for him to have someone other than mommy, daddy or grandma to play with. I will post pictures and more story later.

We started back at work on monday. Richard came back to the Olive Garden. It only made sense to come back to a flexible job for when he starts school in January. Most of our days consist of working, playing with jackson and trying to get things sorted out for school, insurance and the new baby to get here.

Speaking of new baby, we have decided to name her Madison Susan. We loved the name Madison and Susan is Richards late moms name. We feel really good about this, and can't wait for her to join us. I have hit the 7 month mark and am starting to feel uncomfortable and tired more but am still okay to work. I plan on working as long as I can. The doctor said she will probably be a big baby, so we are definitely going to induce early. I can't handle another 9 pound baby. LOL

Overall we are doing pretty well, and are mostly happy. We just have a lot of waiting going on.

Jackson loves laying on the floor with daddy

This was our little trooper while travelling.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Wow time flies

Finally I can sit down and post. I have a lot to catch up on so bear with me. On April 30th we dropped Richard off at the airport to head out to Alaska to work for the summer again. This year was a lot harder than last. I hate that you can't go to the gate with them. He is doing great out there. They changed the way they work things up there and I feel like it has benefited us more than last. I am pleased with the changes. Richard is a wonderful father and husband, we are blessed to have him care so much. We really look forward to when he comes home.
Thats my little ham. He is such a silly boy.
As for Jackson, he is growing up so quick. We unfortunately had to cancel his 15 month appointment due to no insurance but we measure him at home and he hasn't really gained any weight since his 12 month appt. Thank goodness. He is growing taller though. He is such a happy little man. He loves his family especially his grandma. They are together all the time and it warms my heart for him to know her like that. He is a very lucky little boy. This is Jackson as of today:
-he can walk/run (finally happened in May)
-he can point to his nose, ears, eyes, tummy, toes, feet, hands, hair, tongue and mouth.
-he can say ball, car, baby, momma, dadda, gamma, kirk, jus, bruce, brush, cracker, bye bye, garbage, drink, ice, nice, bathroom, book, bottle, bite and Jesus.
-he loves to play outside and gets mad at us when we come in
-he has bumps in the places that will be his 2 year old molars
-he loves books, we could read to him all day
-he is currently in love with rolling his hands and turning around in circles
-he loves to dance
-he sleeps about 9 hours a night with one 2-3 hour nap during the day
-he laughs a lot
-he likes to help clean
-he tries to brush his teeth
-he loves his bath time
-he drew on the wall for the first time on June 18th.
-he loves taking the garbage out
-he mimics everything we do
-he still doesn't watch tv which is fine with me.
I could go on and on, he is such a little spitfire. He is always moving and learning new things. He is definitely a wonder first child and we are so blessed to be given this opportunity to be his parents. We love him very much.

He wasn't mad in this picture, he is really into facial expressions lately. Just another side of silly.

And then May 8th happened. I had been craving chocolate (i don't like chocolate) for about 5 days so I decided to take a pregnancy test. Sure enough it came back positive. I was scared and nervous. I had so many emotions going on at the same time. I called Richard to tell him and he made it all better. He was so excited that it wore off on me and I knew it would all be okay. This is our first ultrasound at 10 weeks.

Just last wednesday I went to a new doctor and he wanted to do another ultrasound to make sure and they moved my due date up by a week and were able to tell what we were having. A GIRL!!!! I am super excited. I've always wanted a boy first then a girl. Perfect little family. I have a screening ultrasound in 3 weeks which will reassure if we really are having a girl. It was pretty obvious though, so I have no doubt.

This is all new to me, I feel like I am pregnant for the first time again. I am working full time and caring for another child, my life is so different. Plus with her being a girl, I have to go shopping. :)

Overall we are doing great. Jackson and I hang out with grandma and the uncles a lot (they live with us). We planted a garden this summer, and are just having a good time. We can't wait for daddy to get home so he can be included in our everyday as well.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Jackson's first hair cut

Okay so I am retarded and posted the pictures in the wrong order. Just start from the bottom up. A friend of ours is a stylist and we decided it was boys day at the salon. Jackson went first sitting in daddys lap. He was such a good boy. Was calm and just watching all the pretty girls in the salon. Until mommy decided to hold his face still with both hands and he just started crying. Luckily it was the very end. He was such a trooper. His cut turned out so adorable but it made him age. He really looks like a toddler now. All of his curls are gone. But he is still handsome.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Long time!!

Yes I know, its been almost two months since my last post. Our lives are kind of uneventful so I don't ever think to blog..

I have tried to take control of my life and my family. We were kind of floating from day to day there for a while. We are getting better at setting a routine and having more family time. Richard is getting more and more involved with Jackson. (men just don't have the intuition like us women do) They have so much fun together and Jackson is looking more and more like him every day.

Our days consist of waking up between 8 or 9. Eating breakfast (one thing we are trying to do as a family), play with toys, laundry, chores of some sort, errands, one or both of us going to work at all hours of the day, taking naps with jackson, tv, computer time, chasing after jackson in whatever he is up to, dinner (if we are home), bath time, relaxation and bed around 10 or 11. We have tried to reconnect with some friends to have some sort of a social life but it is hard when they don't have children. So we are content with our own little family and our own little world. Jackson however needs some interaction, he is kind of shy around other kids, 3 more months and he will be able to go to nursery, maybe that will help.

Work has its ups and downs. Anyone that has worked at The Olive Garden, can relate. I am trying to get into management, there is a leadership program I have to complete and that isn't even a quarantee. So until then, I just keep busting my butt and doing whatever I have to, to make sure I do get a spot. Richard only has 2 months left and he will be leaving in April for Alaska. I am sad but I know it is the right thing for us. This will be his last and final year. He is waivering between going back to the military or not. Pray for him that his mind will be at ease and he can make a decision.

As for Jackson, he is just a happy toddler. He brings happiness to our family like we have never known before. He is going in for his 15th month check up on the 22nd, I hope its all good.

Saturday, January 16, 2010


So we have decided to send Richard to Alaska for one more summer. Things have not moved as quickly as we planned and we need this money that he will make. I know what you all are thinking, I must be crazy but the Olive Garden isn't cutting it, we need something better. So for one more summer Richard is gonna go up to AK and work on the train. It will help us get ahead and hopefully by the time he gets back there will be some advancement for me at the OG and we won't have to worry about money so much. I am hoping for a managment position at the OG by next christmas. If it is the right thing for us, then the Lord will make it happen. As for now, I will be husbandless and lonely just like last year. You do what you got to do.

12 month stats!

Yeah its a little late but we did go to the doctor on Dec 22. Jackson weighed in at 25.7 lbs (88th percentile) and is 31 inches long (59th percentile). He's a little short for his weight but they weren't worried. He has dry skin but not dry enough to call it ezcema. It comes and goes with this Utah weather. He is right up to speed in all the milestones. He just isn't walking yet but he will be soon. He has his 8 front teeth with 3 molars coming in. He is very independent (like his mommy)

Some things Jackson can do:

He jabbers to anyone that will listen.
He can wave bye-bye
He can unzip just about anything
He can put his blocks away.
He feeds himself (been doing that for about 5 months now)
He can drink through a straw
He doesn't use his bottle anymore
He can say momma and dadda and YUM
He knows how to turn the channel on the cable box. LOL
He loves to dance
He climbs up and down the stairs all day long
Oh and he loves the toilet.

He really is a joy to our family and it is so fun just watching him learn and grow everyday.